Recent Posts by janrogers

Businesses must stay on guard against invoice fraud

Fraud is a pernicious problem for companies of all shapes and sizes. One broad type of crime that seems to be thriving as of late is invoice fraud. In the second quarter of 2024, accounts payable software provider Medius released the results of a survey of 1,533 senior finance executives in the United States and…
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Is your home office a tax haven? Here are the rules for deductions

Working from home has become increasingly common. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that about one out of five workers conducts business from home for pay. The numbers are even higher in certain occupational groups. About one in three people in management, professional and related occupations works from home. Your status matters If…
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6 key elements of a business budget

Every business needs a budget, but not every budget looks the same. Some companies have intricately detailed ones, others rely on simple templates generated with off-the shelf software, and still others forego formal budgets in favor of a “fly by the seat of your pants” approach. (That last option isn’t recommended.) Because budgeting is such…
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